Circular Maturity Measurement
for Manufacturing
Gain insights, recommendations, and tools for your circular ambition.
The Circular Maturity Measurement provides insight into the current status of circularity within your organisation. With the results of this measurement, you will discover how circular your business operations are, where you are on the right track, and where there is still room for improvement.
Start the free maturity measurement
Awareness and dialogue
Knowing where you stand: Gain insight and inspiration, use the results to start the conversation, and increase awareness within your company and your value chain.
Advice & tools
Get access to more than 250 sector-specific recommendations in different business management themes. Take your business management to the next level of circularity as efficiently as possible.
Focus & step-by-step plan
Receive tools, formats, and training on the results platform, helping your organisation to get started and make the transition to the circular economy.
By completing the measurement, you will gain access to the results platform with more than 250 recommendations, tools, formats, and training. You will also receive your circular level in a 'snapshot', where the level is divided over ten business management themes and six maturity levels. Do you want to know how you are doing compared to others? Use the benchmark tool to compare the level of your organisation and the average maturity level of the other Dutch organisations per theme.
The Circular Maturity Measurement is a good first step if you want to delve deeper into circularity. It is a clear path from which clear goals have been rolled out. We are now going to work on that!
Martijn Kijkuit - Director Servilocker
Start the free maturity measurement
The measurement takes  approximately 25 minutes to complete.
background of the measurement
The base of Circular Maturity Measurement has been set up and implemented in the past three years. The 250+ recommendations on the results platform include lessons learned from more than 30 circular pioneers in the Netherlands, such as LC Packaging, Auping, Interface, Philips, DSM, and Repeat Audio. In recent years, Route Circulair has scientifically validated the Circular Maturity Measurement in collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. The validation compared 125 measurement models for circularity and analysed circular performance indicators from 700+ scientific papers.
for THE manufacturing industry
This new sector-specific version for the manufacturing industry is developed with the cooperation of ImpactX and Route Circulair. It is curated for the high-tech/manufacturing industry, with knowledge, input, and feedback from several key players in the sector.
Validated with
... and other high-tech/manufacturing companies

Have you received measurement
results and would like to take a step
forward in your circular journey?

Get in touch with us!

Lodewijk Liebrecht

COO & Circular supply chain

Let's talk