Want to further embed circular design in your organisation? Join the High-Tech Circular Collective and fast-track your circular aspirations.
Unlock your potential as part of a community of likeminded companies, all sharing expertise, insights and best practice.
Our inspiring community will help you take circularity to the next level
Gain insights about circular design from industry experts.
Discover what's working for other members and share your own insights.
Help to define a common language and approach around circular design.
As a member, you'll stay updated on the latest developments in circularity.
Other members are always
on-hand to advise, support
and discuss new approaches.
Connect to other professionals with a passion for enhancing circular design.
Members meet in-person 6 times a year to advance circular design. You'll take part in a range of inspiring activities, all designed to achieve actionable outcomes.
In addition, you can stay connected as part of our thriving online group.